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"Nothing on earth is worth struggling for..."

Here is a story: It was a sunny day. Pupils gathered in a class celebrating their friend’s birthday. Unfortunately, it happened that some were lucky to be given two cabin biscuits, while few of them were given one cabin. Among this few, some were furious and sad. But, there was a wise boy who received a cabin biscuit with joy and appreciation. He went on with the celebration, but the rest were crying. Dear, choose to be happy not because everything is well and good, but because you can understand and see the good in anything. Contentment is not a measure of age, but it is a measure of maturity.

Contentment is being satisfied with what you have (little or much). It is the opposite of covetousness. A wise man is not expected to covet anything. A sensible person must know that: “When you conform to other’s standards just to fit in, you are like a pawn on the chessboard, being moved around at their whim”. Be yourself. Remember! Life is a race; if a runner has to make the race he must not look at others running. If he looks, he will eventually slow down and stumble.

Covetousness is evil. It is a sin in the sight of God. It is a bad attitude; one must not grow with it. If any man covets another man, it shows he does not know what life really means. Those who conceive that life is in the accumulation of wealth and achievements are somehow immature. Even the wise King Solomon said, “Life is vanity”. Do you know that being great got you nowhere? Do you also know that being unimportant got you nowhere? Wise or fool; rich or poor, we all die and are soon forgotten. So, be wise and smart.

Our primary goal in this life is to worship and obey God. The best thing to do is to always enjoy life, because God’s gift to us is happiness we get from our food and drink and the good works we do. Everything God has done will last forever, nothing he does can ever be changed. God has done all this, so that we will worship him (Ecclesiastes 3:12-14). Dear, what are we running for? I will surely die. All my property will be transferred to another person. Therefore, life is a fake. Do not be deceived.

Please note this, “Nothing on earth worth struggling for”. What then are cabin biscuit, money, house, wives, positions, farms, cars, certifications or any? It is senseless to covet anything on earth. Live for God. Little or much! Be contented with it. When you hear another person being praised, do not be injured. Please start looking at what you have with a microscope. Know how to live your life, not other people’s lives.

Become a friend of God, by not being covetous. Start making Him happy by living right. Remember, life is vanity. Hence, you need to prepare a ground for the after-life. The Bible let us know that there are two options: Heaven or Hell (Matt. 7:13). Dear, choose one. Live right and go to Heaven. Live bad and burn in Hell. If anyone will go to Heaven, there is only a way. Without Jesus, no one can go to Heaven (John 14:6). Secure your future now. Nevertheless, serve God, not because of any future reward, but because of an unselfish love. 

Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last.

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